Will Slots Help to Revive Horse Racing in Kentucky?

The Kentucky authorities express anxiety about the decline of the racetracks attendance in the state. The horse tracks are quite common for the state of Kentucky, but today the popularity of such kind of betting decreases, that may hurt the state budget.

The 32nd District State Senator Mike Reynolds stated, that the next year the government of the state may face the shortfall worth about one billion dollar. To escape such revenue shortage the House considers the plan to allow slots and video gaming machines at the racetracks, that will attract more visitors.

It is now difficult to say if the General Assembly supports the idea but for the state the legalization of slot machines will be really a good option. The local lawmakers are afraid that the Senate will not vote in favor of the amendment.

However, the Governor Beshear is quite optimistic for the state and the problems with the horse racing business in the area.

No matter what decision the local authorities will take, the statistic data show, that racetracks are nor so popular as several decades ago while the more common for modern gamblers casino gamblers games, like slots, blackjack and poker attract more and more players each year. Probably the most optimal decision will be to overlook the gambling policy of the state.